Slow Flow Bundle

Slow Flow Bundle

This Slow Flow Bundle contains 5 videos total: 4 yoga classes and a 3 part breath video.

Video 1: Slow and Steady We Flow: 30 min
Video 2: Slow It Down: 55 min
Video 3: Slow Groove: 43 min
Video 4: Slow Flow Avoiding Weight Bearing on the Shoulders: 32 min
Video 5: 3 Part Breath: 8 min
Slow Flow Classes contain steady continuous movements that are designed to open up the whole body while working on balance, posture, functional movement and mobility. These practices are all levels and accessible to a wide range of abilities.

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Slow Flow Bundle
  • Slow Groove

    This Slow Flow class is a slower paced continuously moving flow that targets all areas of the body.
    suitable for all levels.

    Spotify Playlist:

  • Slow It Down

    This slow flow class gently opens up the shoulders, thoracic spine, hips and hammies. Its' a feel good full body, gentle flow.

    Spotify Playlist:

  • Slow and Steady We Flow

    This Slow Flow Class contains steady continuous movement to open the shoulders, spine and neck.
    Great for beginners or all levels!
    Spotify Playlist:

  • Slow Flow avoiding weight bearing on the shoulder